Friday, December 04, 2009

What is ECM?

As many of you know, I work for Hyland Software here in Cleveland. I don't post much about work or work related items because that's not my role in the company. I'm a project manager and am focused on specific client projects, not touting the company.

But every now and then, there are things I just can't pass up. It's not something like Hyland winning Crain's Company with the Best Perks Award, or software product under category of "impact" by NEOSA. Hyland wins those alot.

One of the things I get asked alot is what does Hyland do? Well we're a software company that provides Enterprise Content Management, ECM, solutions. That answer, particularly amongst family members, gets me a glazed over eye "huh?" response.

The following video "What Is ECM? The Laundry Analogy" answers it much better than I ever could in just 60 seconds.

I'm not the only one that found this highly informative as well as entertaining. I actually found this on the AIIM page announcing the winners of the ECM Video Contest. Not surprisingly, this video was selected as the winner. If you're interested AIIM is:

For over 60 years, AIIM has been the leading non-profit organization focused on helping users to understand the challenges associated with managing documents, content, records, and business processes. AIIM was founded in 1943 as the National Microfilm Association and later became the Association for Information and Image Management. AIIM is also known as the enterprise content management (ECM) association.

Anyway, the two folks that made this video work at Hyland. Seeing something like this video this morning just reminded me of how good it is to work at Hyland with intelligent, creative people dedicated to their jobs and serving markets and clients.

Yes, its a small thing, but it reminds me as to why I'm proud to call myself a Hylander.(and if you go back far enough as Scottish Highlander too)

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