Monday, November 21, 2016

Weekly Tao Te Ching Verse - Week #19

Started the weekend off doing a triple upping the ante from last week. I took a class at work and then two at 3 Sisters. Taught my class at Fitworks and spent most of the day reading and planning for Thanksgiving. Sunday Morning I started re-reading the Big Book after 20 something years. I recently finished Yoga and the 12 Step Path by Kzcy Hawk. Then later Sunday morning I went to my teacher's, Marni, class at Cleveland Yoga.

Friday night I also attended my first AA meeting in a really, really long time. It was what is called a lead meeting where one person gets up and tells their story. I wish I had taken my notebooks because there were some really good insights that I wish I had written down. I think I'll go back at least a few more times. What hasn't changed is the coffee and sugar available at these meetings. It is a slow burn, but there is a small spark of passion about fixing that - not by replacing the option but by educating and perhaps bringing healthy, whole food, plant based options for people to snack on.

The other thing is the smoking before and after the meeting. More people "vape" than smoke maybe but still they are putting crap in their bodies. I get the first things first concept, but still.

Welcome to this week's Tao Te Ching verse. See here for what this is all about. 

Verse 19
Throw away holiness and wisdom
and people will be a hundred times happier.
Throw away morality and justice,
and people will do the right thing.
Throw away industry and profit,
and there won't be any thieves.
If these three aren't enough,
just stay at the center of the circle
and let all things take their course.

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