Saturday, January 31, 2015

There are Numbers

Then there are numbers!

Yesterday, I was finally able to get an updates biometrics test. I was hoping to get it at the same time as the Holiday Hold weigh-in but a change for expanded services in the Wellness Center at Hyland delayed that until just recently. But yesterday I was able to get the test done.

But first a recap just in case you forgot.

I started my journey back in August weighing 185. At 5’5” that’s technically obese and I felt it particularly coming down the stairs in the morning. I had taken nutrition classes sponsored by my employer over summer and in August saw Forks Over Knives. Via that, I found Engine2Diet and its 28 Day Challenge. I decided to do try that challenge but take a month to start learning how to cook the food, slowly eliminating over the month of September into October. I started the #E2Challenge in October and ended just prior to Thanksgiving.

I have continued on from then through now as plantstrong-ish. I occasionally will have sushi (Japanese wife makes this a given), had meat on Thanksgiving and Christmas and have been known to take a nibble of my wife or kids meat. And I actively try to avoid oil when I can and do not use it myself when cooking. I would say I am 95- 97% Esselstyn Compliant.

You can read more details on that Challenge here.

Simultaneous to the challenge but coincidentally, Hyland had a "Feel Right Stress Less" month where you could win prizes by participating in activities such as seminars or mediation, what have you. One of those activities was to take Yoga which I did. And I have been taking it ever since. In particular, I purchased a 30 days of Yoga for $39 from 3 Sisters Yoga + Fitness. Great place, I really like there. Very welcoming and it has the family and friends feel to it which I really like. Particularly the Hot Yoga on Saturday morning with Shari Caroll - it's been the highlight of my week since I started doing it. Unfortunately, 3Sisters is in Avon which is a haul, so I am beginning to look closer to home to places like Cleveland Yoga. That's a topic for another day.

I also take the yoga lessons offered at Hyland. I am going about 5 times a week to Hyland's and then once or twice to a studio on the weekends. I also take intermittently Spinning classes at Hyland. I consider myself to be really, really fortunate to have an employer that has such a focus on their employees well being.

Long and short of it I have completely changed my diet and have greatly increased my exercise routines. Both are in a more sustainable way than I did previously.

I won't lie, the numbers speak for themselves. See the table below:

Starting NumbersSept. 10, 2014October 22, 2014November 19, 2014January 30, 2015
Height65 Inches65 Inches65 Inches65 Inches
Body Fat %30.930.228.625.6
Total Cholesterol169141129111

So I have lost 33 pounds since August, dropped my total cholesterol from 169 to 111, LDL from 111 to 55, and was able to increase my HDL. The HDL still needs work so I'll need to continue to exercise! I am .3 points away from a normal BMI too! In addition, a few weeks ago I got an A1C test. I got a 5.2 on that which apparently under 5.7 in in the normal range(5.7 -6.5 is prediabetic and 6.5 and above is diabetic). So overall, I am really happy with my results.

Now if I can just get lose that last 1.8 pounds I will have reached my initial goal!

UPDATE - 02/02/2015:I went to the wellness center today and borrowed the body fat gadget so I updated the body fat %. It is not exactly the same at the other numbers since it is not on the same day but for reference sake I added it to the table.

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