Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Target Goal Is Dead Long Live The Target Goal

I think it is safe at this point to say that I have achieved my initial target weight. I weighed in at 146.8 this morning. I think the scale is a little wonky since yesterday though. Yesterday morning I was like 148.something and then later in the day it was saying I was 144. Right after Arisa had wiped the scale with a cleaning cloth. But also right after yoga so it's not inconceivable. Could have been water weight loss.

Anyway, I think it is safe to say that I have reached my initial target weight of 150 pounds. And I did it while I was still 50, so I finally completed my 2014 Resolution.


Okay, enough celebration

I have had my next target in mind for a while. I think thought that I am fairly well along the way to completing the first part of it.

My next target is to reach 140 pounds by the end of 2015. At my height and age that weight should be smack dab in the middle of the "normal" range. Once that weight is achieved that will be the end of my "weight loss" initiative. I may continue to lose weight but it will just be an result of other lifestyle improvements not a intentional effort.
Yoga: continue to do as much yoga as I can without burning out or going bankrupt.
Other: Try a Tim Corrigan bootcamp session and other fitness regimes like Beth's tabata program at 3 Sisters Yoga + Fitness; Complete as may 5Ks as I can this year to get the 20K challenge wear from Hyland
Dietary Lifestyle
Continue to be #plantstrong -ish. I have proved to myself since last August that 1) this dietary lifestyle is great for my health, and 2)tastes great too!
Gardening is really a supplement to both exercise and dietary lifestyle. The simple fact of gardening can be exercise. And obviously eating freshly grown, organic vegetables supports my #plantstrong diet. In some ways, if I am honest, I approached eating healthier because I gardened and wanted to find ways of eating what I was growing, justifying more gardening. Vicious circle, that. Anyway, my intention is to continue to garden in my 12 by 12 foot garden but to expand by adding a 40' by 40' garden as well. Due to the size that may take more than one year.
Learn and Apply, Be Open
This item is wide ranging. The group I am in at Hyland does quite a bit of book learning. Self-learning is also encouraged with team members sharing good books and knowledge. The intention of this item is to learn something and then apply it to my life. For example, having read Personal Kanban I am trying to apply some of the principles to my everyday life. Another example is the Pomodoro Technique which I have been trying at work. This intention is not limited to "work" though. If, for example, my pursuit of improving my yoga I am taken down (shudder) spiritual paths I intend not to fight it which would be my first instinct. My intention is to be open to whatever it takes to improve my practice, or work, or relationships.

As you can see, this year's intention is much grander that hitting 150 while I am 50. Which was a pretty darn good goal if you ask me. This year's though does build on what I have learned over the last year on various fronts. And I want to build on that.

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